Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Eagles, The Forgotten Desert

Do you have an eagle? Eagles are amazing, because Jamaa's flying animals can play The Forgotten Desert! If
you have never played you can get AMAZING prizes, but don't be bummed if your prize isn't all that great. But you can get spikes, betas, and rares. I'm gonna be honest and say that you don't usually get the best prizes... although {5509ashley} has gotten a beta table, art easel, and jamaaliday bow! {Desertprimrose} has gotten a wavy bookshelf, art easel, and jamaaliday bow! {pastelbow04} has gotten an art easel! So sorry to non-members, I hope AJHQ gives non-members some more items and stuff. Until then we support you! 

If you want to see some of the prizes you can get click here.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Zany Item, April 1st

Do you own a zany item? This is a pretty wacky item that is said to be sold every April 1st, {April Fools}. A few different sources state that few jammers have one, also it's a members only item {sorry nm's, I feel your pain!} If they do come this April 1st make sure you get your very own zany item! 

Do not be alarmed when you see that it's invisible! For some reason in stores and on trade its invisible, but when gifted to you, and in dens it appears.

In stores and on trade it appears it is not there.

The zany item is interact able. You click the red button and then... gioklmnkjw;eklwekqe. oops! Did I mention I wasn't gonna tell you? That's right you have to find out for yourself!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Animal Jam Wiki

Try to avoid Animal Jam Wiki
Do you use wiki? Animal Jam has a wiki, but it's not owned by AJHQ. I highly suggest not using Animal Jam Wiki. Most wiki's are known to give false information. So, if you do use wiki, try to find another site with the same info to back up your answer. Here on this blog we try to find the best and most trustworthy info, so try using our site if your looking for a backup! If you would like to see Animal Jam Wiki yourself click here. Also you can contact us by email if you have a question.

**Please keep in mind this is slightly opinionated and we are not giving factual info, mostly our opinion**

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Working Codes! { As of March 6th, 2016 }

Working Codes! { As of March 6th, 2016 }

  • animals {1,000 gems}
  • explorer {100 gems}            
  • phantoms {500 gems}
  • bemybuddy {1,000 gems}

**Please keep in mind that these codes worked on the date above and may not work when you try them, we are sorry for any inconvenience**


Avoiding Scams: Tips & Tricks

As AJ says "Avoid scammers, use the trade system!" We will be showing signs of a scam, and how to avoid them.

Some of the worst and most common scams happen with gifting, if someone says "gift me a spike, I will gift back a head dress" it's most likely  a scam. . If this happens to you, simply ask them "Why can't I just trade my spike for your head dress?" {Or change the words to fit a different scenario} What usually happens is they leave immediately after, so that you can't report them. So, if you feel like its a scam from the start, then write down their username, or memorize it, so that if they do leave you can still report them for scamming.

 You should never report someone without proof, especially scamming. I have learned this when I {Desertprimrose} was reported for scamming, and I didn't do anything wrong. I said,"Gift me, I will gift back!" and it was not a scam, because I really did gift back. If this has ever happened to you, then you understand, because I got my gifting and trading disabled for three days.

 Lots of members or take advantage of non-members and lots of older Jammers take advantage of the New Jammers. By this I mean, someone could tell a New Jammer that something is beta, when its not, so that  they could get an over trade. This is technically a scam but without proof you cannot report them.

More tips and tricks on how to avoid scamming coming soon! Until then follow the AJ rules and avoid scammers!

Beta Tiara: Whats the difference?

There are two types of beta tiaras: Pearly & Milky
Be careful! A scam has been happening recently where people say it's a beta tiara, when they bought
it in stores! The real beta tiara is worth a lot, so don't be scammed! This is how to tell the
difference between the two...

Beta tiara {Pearly}
Beta Tiara {Milky}

This tiara has a blue gem. While the beta
has a purple gem. You can only see
this if you pay very close attention.
{In Stores}
This tiara is a totally different shade
of white. One tiara is the shade of milk,
while the other is an off white.
{In Stores}



Make sure you check out The Daily Explorer it's owned by AJ and a great way for daily info!

Want to play AJ on the go? Try their app "Play Wild" in my opinion its not as good as the computer version, and like most games it requires an internet connection.


Help us Improve!

Hi everyone! We are constantly looking for new ways to improve! Please follow our blog and subscribe to our Youtube! We appreciate it, and we research before we post but if you happen to see a mistake please let us know! We will look into it as soon as possible.

We will blog about:

Common Scams
Fair Trades
Good Items
Betas & Rares
New Codes {not always accurate}
Tips & Tricks
Common & Helpful Glitches
New & Old Animals
New AJ updates

And more!

List of Youtube Videos

List of YouTube Videos!

Animal Jammer: Desertprimrose

Trade Attempts: Elf Tail Armor

Animal Jammer // 5509ashey

Saturday, March 5, 2016

First Blog

Welcome to the first blog post of, Animal Jam Blog!

This blog is about all Animal Jam

Our Animal Jam usernames are 5509ashley, desertprimrose,
and pastelbow04. If you play animal jam we give weekly shout-outs to the people who gift the best,


We gladly take suggestions, comments, and questions. Just

Thanks for visiting our site and we will be posting more very